Introdicing the Ripplr Projects

May 08, 2018

Ripplr is a Twitter-like application that I originally developed as I followed along in the Grails in Action books from Manning Publications. It was originally written using Grails 2 and I updated it to use Grails 3.1.9 a while ago. It's not the prettiest looking site in the world, but it makes use of Bootstrap 3.3, some jQuery, and has basic follow & blocking functionality, so it has a decent foundation with which to start. It's a bit messy all around, but I'm hoping to be able to use it for this blog a bit and clean it up along the way.

There are a few Ripplr-related projects as well. There's an Angular user interface that I've written separately from the main application that I will use from time to time to help test out ideas. There is likely going to be a pure Java version of Ripplr as well. I have a few things I'd like to write about using Java web applications, so I could probably make use of Ripplr here.

Feel free to check it out on GitHub and keep checking back regularly to see its progress.